Woman with Rare Double Uterus Gives Birth to Twins in China

A woman in northwestern China, identified only by her last name Li, gave birth to twins, one from each of her two uteruses, in a rare medical event. The twins, a boy and a girl, were delivered via caesarean section last month at Xi’an People’s Hospital in Shaanxi province. The hospital called the case a “one in a million” occurrence, as it is exceptionally rare for a woman to conceive twins in both cavities of a double uterus, known as uterine didelphys.

Uterine didelphys is a congenital condition affecting about 1 in 2,000 women, where a woman has two separate uteruses and cervixes. According to the hospital’s statement on Weibo, it is even rarer for such twins to be carried to full term. Despite the potential complications, Li successfully delivered a boy weighing 7 pounds, 19 ounces and a girl weighing 5 pounds, 30 ounces.

Li had previously experienced a miscarriage, but her latest pregnancy, discovered in January, revealed the extraordinary case of twins, one in each womb. The pregnancy was closely monitored, and the medical team was able to ensure a healthy delivery for both babies.

The remarkable story has captivated millions on Chinese social media, with users expressing awe and admiration. Many congratulated the mother on her extraordinary experience, with some commenting on the physical and emotional challenges she likely faced.