Workers at Apple Supplier Flex Stage One-Day Strike in Tamil Nadu Plant

Flex’s Permanent Workers in Tamil Nadu Plant Join Centre of Indian Trade Union over Wage and Policy Grievances

In a bold move, hundreds of workers at a manufacturing facility operated by Flex, an esteemed supplier to tech giant Apple, located in Tamil Nadu, India, initiated a one-day strike on Friday. Their primary demands centered around securing higher wages over the forthcoming three years and official recognition of a union within the workplace.

While the Indian landscape boasts a considerable presence of electronics manufacturers like Foxconn and Pegatron, unions within this sector are notably sparse. This stands in contrast to the automotive industry, which typically exhibits a higher degree of labor organizing, as highlighted by welfare workers focused on labor issues.

The discontent among Flex’s workforce primarily revolves around grievances related to compensation and company policies, notably concerning tour allowances and provisions for medical leave. It’s reported that all of the plant’s approximately 750 permanent employees have united under the banner of the Centre of Indian Trade Union, as confirmed by union secretary E. Muthukumar.



He added Flex, which makes chargers for Apple, was unwilling to recognise the union at the plant, which employs roughly 4,000 people, including contractors who did not join the strike.”Our values-based culture supports fair and competitive compensation for work, and open and transparent communication. Our doors are open and we encourage employees to share their perspectives,” Flex said in a statement.

“As house rents, education fees and other expenses have increased, it is not possible to sustain a livelihood with the current salary,” the union had informed Flex in a letter reviewed by Reuters.As of March 2023, Flex, which also manufactures products for Apple in the United States and China, employed nearly 172,000 people globally, including contractors.

It is unclear how much the strike affected production, even as Indian laws prohibit the employment of contractors in core activities in most circumstances.This is the latest unrest at an Apple supplier in India in recent years after food poisoning among workers triggered a strike at Foxconn and workers at a Wistron plant protested against alleged wage underpayment.