Glean aims to outperform ChatGPT in its own arena — focusing on the enterprise sector

Indeed, Arvind Jain’s observations about the challenges employees face in accessing information resonate with many companies. Glean’s approach to addressing this issue by leveraging AI to provide plain-English responses from enterprise databases aligns well with the growing need for efficient knowledge management solutions in the workplace.

By streamlining access to information and reducing the time employees spend searching for answers, Glean has the potential to significantly improve productivity and enhance the overall employee experience. As organizations continue to recognize the importance of knowledge sharing and collaboration, platforms like Glean are likely to gain traction in the enterprise software market.

Glean wants to beat ChatGPT at its own game — in the enterprise | TechCrunch

The findings from the Gartner survey highlight a significant challenge faced by desk workers in today’s digital workplace landscape. With the proliferation of apps and the increasing volume of data, employees are struggling to efficiently locate the information they need to perform their jobs effectively.

Recognizing this need, Arvind Jain and his team developed Glean as an AI-powered search app tailored for enterprise use. Initially focusing on cognitive search capabilities similar to products like Microsoft’s SharePoint Syntex and Amazon Kendra, Glean employed natural language processing to understand both document details and user queries across an organization.

By leveraging AI-driven search technology, Glean aimed to streamline information retrieval processes and empower employees to access relevant data more efficiently. This approach aligns with the broader trend towards enhancing workplace productivity through intelligent automation and knowledge management solutions.