Google Explores Gemini: AI-Powered Chatbot Crafting Personal Life Stories from Photos and Search Activity, Report Reveals

Project Ellman: Google’s Vision for a Personalized Life Story Narrator through Chatbot Innovation

According to a recent CNBC report, Google is exploring the concept of a chatbot that delves into the narrative of users’ lives, leveraging their photo collections and search histories. The tech giant aims to integrate extensive language models like the newly unveiled multimodal Gemini model into an upcoming AI initiative. This Gemini model is positioned as a competitor to OpenAI’s GPT-4 and purportedly outperforms its closest rival on specific benchmarks, as claimed by Google.

Citing internal documents, CNBC discloses that a Google AI team proposed the development of AI-driven technology harnessing smartphone data—specifically users’ photos and search activities—to fuel an AI-based chatbot. Referred to as Project Ellman, this initiative intends to empower the chatbot with the capability to address previously unanswerable inquiries, as detailed in the report.

Contrary to relying solely on image pixels and associated metadata, Project Ellman aims to analyze patterns within a user’s photo collection. This involves examining contextual cues surrounding the images, such as the moments before and after the captured snapshot, to gain a comprehensive understanding, as outlined in the report. Additionally, Google’s internal documentation envisions “Ellman Chat” transforming into a personalized “Your Life Story Teller,” indicating its potential to craft personalized narratives from users’ accumulated data.



Google currently collects user’s photos that are stored on the company’s servers as part of its Google Photos backup and sync feature. The company did not specify whether the data source would be from Google Photos synced to the cloud, or whether the images would be processed on the user’s device.

“This was an early internal exploration and, as always, should we decide to roll out new features, we would take the time needed to ensure they were helpful to people, and designed to protect users’ privacy and safety as our top priority”, a company spokesperson told the publication.

It is unclear whether Google is actively working on adding support for such a personalised AI chatbot that relies on its new Gemini AI models, which were unveiled by the company last week. Google’s most powerful model — Gemini Ultra — won’t be available until next year and is capable of outperforming OpenAI’s GPT-4 model in some tests, according to Google.