Metalab transitions from quietly building the internet to actively investing in it.

Metalab, a Canadian interface design firm that has been instrumental in helping startups build products for nearly two decades, has expanded its services to include investment through the launch of Metalab Ventures. Founded by serial entrepreneur and investor Andrew Wilkinson in 2006, Metalab has played a significant role in supporting product innovations for notable companies such as Slack, Coinbase, Uber, and Tumblr.

Metalab’s approach involves closely collaborating with startups, acting as quasi-co-founders to help bring their product ideas to fruition. Once the product is launched, Metalab relinquishes its involvement, allowing the startups to grow independently. In 2023, Metalab experienced a record year, contributing to the development of 40 products that entered the market.

With the introduction of Metalab Ventures, the firm aims to extend its support beyond product development by investing in promising startups as a long-term value investor. Metalab Ventures plans to engage in a formal investment process, committing to accompany portfolio companies on their journey for the next decade or more.

Metalab goes from quietly building the internet to investing in it

According to CEO Luke Des Cotes, Metalab Ventures’ investment strategy reflects the firm’s commitment to backing startups and providing ongoing support throughout their growth trajectory. By formalizing its investment approach, Metalab Ventures aims to deepen its engagement with founders and contribute to the long-term success of its portfolio companies.