Melbourne Defence Expo Protests: Dozens Arrested Amid Clashes with Police

Dozens of demonstrators were arrested in Melbourne on Wednesday as anti-war protesters clashed with police outside the Land Forces International Land Defence Exposition, Australia’s largest defence exhibition. Police resorted to using sponge grenades, flash-bang devices, and irritant sprays to control the volatile crowd, which had pelted officers with rocks, horse manure, and bottles filled with liquid. According to Victoria Police, 39 protesters were arrested for various offences, including assaulting police, arson, and obstructing roads. The violent exchanges left two dozen police officers in need of medical treatment, although no serious injuries were reported.

Protesters, many of whom were chanting pro-Palestine slogans and waving flags, disrupted traffic and public transport. At one point, protesters lit fires in the streets, threw missiles at police horses, and doused several expo attendees with red liquid. Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police Shane Patton condemned the protesters’ actions, calling the behaviour “disgusting” and warning that police would not tolerate criminal activity. Despite the large-scale protest, Patton emphasized the importance of peaceful demonstrations, urging participants to express their opposition without resorting to violence.

The protest, which saw around 1,200 participants, marked Melbourne’s largest police operation since the 2000 World Economic Forum. As the defence expo, which draws around 1,000 exhibitors from 31 countries, continues through Friday, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese reiterated the importance of peaceful protests, stating, “Our police officers should be respected at all times.” He added that throwing objects at law enforcement is not an appropriate way to express opposition to defence equipment.