In a move that could potentially redefine smartphone design, Apple appears to be exploring the possibility of incorporating a dedicated touch panel along the edge of future iPhone models, as indicated by the details outlined in the company’s latest patent granted by the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). While previous smartphones from various manufacturers have featured displays that gracefully curve towards the edges, Apple’s patent hints at a more discreet approach, envisioning a small yet functional display housing virtual buttons akin to the Touch Bar technology seen briefly on MacBook Pro models.
Granted to Apple on March 12, the patent titled ‘Electronic Devices with Sidewall Displays’ offers a glimpse into the company’s vision for smartphones equipped with “flexible displays” that seamlessly bend to accommodate both front-facing and edge displays.
To visually distinguish these two display regions, the patent proposes the use of masks or selectively enabling and disabling pixels on the screen. Accompanied by detailed diagrams, the patent documentation available on the USPTO website illustrates the concept of edge panels integrated into the purported device design.
By introducing a touch panel along the edge of the iPhone, Apple aims to unlock new possibilities for user interaction and functionality. This innovative approach could enable users to access contextual virtual buttons tailored to specific tasks or applications, enhancing the overall user experience and productivity. Additionally, the incorporation of haptic feedback technology could provide users with tactile confirmation and sensory cues, further enriching the interaction between the device and its users.

While patents offer a glimpse into the potential future direction of technology, it’s essential to note that not all patented concepts materialize into commercial products. However, Apple’s exploration of edge touch panels underscores the company’s ongoing commitment to innovation and pushing the boundaries of smartphone design. As consumers eagerly await the next evolution in iPhone technology, Apple’s patent serves as a compelling testament to the company’s relentless pursuit of excellence and its unwavering dedication to delivering groundbreaking experiences to users worldwide.