Apple Secures Patent for Apple Watch Bands Featuring External Flashlight, Potentially Equipped with Independent Battery.

Illuminating Innovation: Apple’s Patented Apple Watch Bands with External Flashlight May Offer Modular Light Assembly Controlled by Dedicated Switch and Watch Display.

Apple appears to be exploring the integration of an external flashlight into its Apple Watch bands, as revealed in a recently granted patent. While flashlights on smartphones have become commonplace, incorporating a dedicated flashlight into smartwatches is a relatively unique concept. The patent outlines a modular light assembly designed for wearable devices, featuring an external flashlight module situated along the Apple Watch band’s edge, in close proximity to the watch body.

Reported by Apple Insider, the patent suggests that the modular light assembly could be managed through a dedicated switch and the controls on the watch display, offering users the ability to turn the external flashlight on or off as needed. To mitigate potential battery drain for the watch, the external flashlight may be equipped with its own dedicated battery. Moreover, considering the water-resistant nature of Apple Watch models, the patent indicates that the external light module could feature liquid-resistant elements, such as seals or O-rings, to safeguard internal components from liquid ingress—making it suitable for use while swimming.

While the implementation of an external flashlight on Apple Watch bands remains speculative, the granted patent hints at Apple’s exploration of innovative features to enhance the functionality and versatility of its smartwatch lineup.

The external flashlight would be directional in nature and will cast light perpendicular, or substantially perpendicular, to the plane defined by the watch display and parallel, or at least substantially parallel to the axis defined by the user’s hand when it passes through the watch band.

Apple Watch models currently include an integrated flashlight feature that works by illuminating the display with high-brightness white light. The display flashlight is not strong and cannot illuminate large dark areas beyond immediate surrounding. It also drains the watch battery. A dedicated flashlight module with its own battery would bring an effecting light source in low light conditions.



While most smartwatches also utilise display as source of light, some high-end watches, including some Garmin models, have dedicated external flashlights. While the patent application has been published, it’s hard to say when the flashlight feature would actually make it to an Apple Watch model.

This is not the first time Apple has tried to bring innovations to its Apple Watch bands. Earlier this year, the company was granted a patent that describes a system that can identify specific bands and respond with specific functions like modifying settings or customising the user interface.

More recently, Apple was also granted patents for a technology that would make it difficult for others to snoop on your iPhone or Mac display by limited the viewing angle of the screen.