The redesigned calls interface in the Telegram update is optimized to be less resource-intensive, resulting in reduced battery drain and smoother operation, particularly on older devices.
Telegram, the popular messaging platform, has rolled out a new update that brings improvements to the calling feature, adds a new animation for deleting messages, and includes a massive update to its bot platform that adds reactions and more. The new update follows the Christmas update to the app, that brought new customisations to channel appearance and the ability to share posts in stories. The latest update has already rolled out on both Android and iOS platforms.
The Telegram 10.5.0 update, which released December 31, brings a few upgrades to the calling feature. Telegram calls, which are end-to-end encrypted, have been fully redesigned, with new dynamic animations and backgrounds that change based on whether a call is incoming, active, or ended. According to a blog post detailing the update, the new calls interface is less resource hungry than before, thus reducing battery drain and ensuring smoother operation on older devices. Additionally, the update includes call quality improvements and a host of bug fixes. Telegram says that improvements to call connection and audio quality are on the way, too.
The update also brings a Thanos snap-style animation for deleting messages. The experimental animation was first introduced in November for auto-deleted messages only on iOS. Now, the disintegration animation plays whenever you delete any message on the Telegram app on both iOS and Android.
Lastly, Telegram has also rolled out what it claims to be the largest update to its bot platform in history. Telegram bots let developers add more automated tools and features to the messaging app. “…bots can now react to messages and manage reactions, quotes, and links, send replies to other chats or topics, and much more,” the Telegram blog said.
In a Telegram update from October of the previous year, advanced reply options were introduced, enabling users to quote specific parts of any message and respond to them. Additionally, the app received features such as link preview customization options and account color customizations for Premium users.