AI-powered scams: What they are and how to protect yourself from them

AI is here to assist in various tasks, whether you’re drafting an email, creating concept art, or, unfortunately, running scams that deceive people into thinking you’re a friend or relative in distress. AI is incredibly versatile, but because some individuals would rather not be scammed, let’s discuss what to watch out for.

Recent years have seen a significant improvement in the quality of generated media, including text, audio, images, and videos, and it’s now cheaper and easier to create this media. The same tools that help a concept artist design fantasy creatures or allow a non-native speaker to improve their business English can also be used maliciously.

Don’t worry about a Terminator knocking on your door to sell you on a Ponzi scheme — these scams are the same old tricks we’ve encountered for years, but with a generative AI twist that makes them easier, cheaper, or more convincing