“CCI Initiates Investigation into Google Amidst In-App Billing Policy Dispute with Ind

CCI Accuses Google of Discriminatory Policy Implementation, Sparking Controversy

Amidst mounting tensions between Indian startups and tech giant Alphabet Inc.’s Google, India’s antitrust body has stepped in, ordering a probe into Google’s practices surrounding its in-app billing system. The move comes after allegations that Google has been implementing its policies in a “discriminatory manner,” sparking controversy within India’s burgeoning tech ecosystem.

For months, Indian startups have been embroiled in a contentious battle with Google over the fees it imposes for in-app payments, which they argue is disproportionately high and stifles innovation. The dispute reached a boiling point earlier this month when Google took the drastic step of removing over 100 Indian apps from its app store, citing violations related to billing practices. However, following intervention from the Indian government, Google eventually reinstated the apps, albeit amidst heightened scrutiny and criticism.

The decision by India’s antitrust body to launch a probe into Google’s actions underscores the growing concerns within the country’s tech community regarding the tech giant’s dominance and its impact on competition and innovation. By examining Google’s practices surrounding its in-app billing system, the Competition Commission of India (CCI) aims to shed light on whether the company has engaged in anti-competitive behavior or abused its market position to the detriment of local startups.

The outcome of the probe could have far-reaching implications for Google’s operations in India and beyond, as well as for the broader tech industry. Depending on the findings, Google may be forced to reconsider its approach to in-app billing and make changes to ensure a more level playing field for all app developers. Additionally, the probe could set a precedent for how other tech giants are regulated in India, signaling a potential shift towards greater scrutiny and oversight of their business practices.



As the investigation unfolds, stakeholders across the tech ecosystem will be closely monitoring developments, eager to see how the outcome will shape the future of competition and innovation in India’s rapidly evolving digital landscape. With tensions running high and the spotlight firmly trained on Google, the probe represents a pivotal moment that could reshape the dynamics of the Indian tech industry for years to come.

India’s antitrust body on Friday ordered a probe into Alphabet Inc’s Google in an ongoing dispute with local startups over its in-app billing system, saying the U.S. company implemented its policies in a “discriminatory manner”.

Indian startups have been at odds with Google for months over the fee it charges for in-app payments. The dispute escalated earlier this month after Google removed more than 100 Indian apps from its app store for violations related to billing, though it restored them after the Indian government intervened.