Heidy Khlaaf, an engineering director at the cybersecurity firm Trail of Bits, is making significant contributions to the field of AI by specializing in evaluating software and AI implementations within safety-critical systems such as nuclear power plants and autonomous vehicles.
Khlaaf holds a Ph.D. in computer science from University College London and a BS in computer science and philosophy from Florida State University. Her academic background, combined with her extensive industry experience, positions her as a leading figure in ensuring the safety and security of AI systems.
Throughout her career, Khlaaf has led safety and security audits, provided consultations and reviews of assurance cases, and contributed to the creation of standards and guidelines for safety- and security-related applications and their development. Her work underscores the importance of rigorous evaluation and robust security measures in AI implementations, particularly in domains where safety is paramount.
By shining a spotlight on women like Heidy Khlaaf who are making significant contributions to the AI revolution, TechCrunch aims to highlight key work that often goes unrecognized and inspire the next generation of AI-focused academics and professionals.