Why You Should Avoid Using One-Time Passwords Sent by Text

One-time passwords (OTPs) sent via text are a common method for accessing mobile apps and services, but cybersecurity experts caution against their use due to various security risks. Text-based OTPs are vulnerable to phishing, SIM swapping, and message interception, making them less secure compared to other methods.

Alternative authentication options include authenticator apps, which generate time-sensitive codes and reduce the risk of interception. However, these apps are not foolproof and can still be compromised by sophisticated phishing attacks. Mobile app push notifications offer better security by verifying identity through an app notification, but they are also susceptible to certain types of attacks.

For improved security, hardware security keys provide a more robust solution but involve additional costs and inconvenience. Multi-device passkeys offer an advanced alternative to traditional passwords and OTPs, leveraging public key cryptography to enhance security. Despite the availability of these methods, OTPs via SMS are expected to remain in use due to their cost-effectiveness and ease of use, even though they are less secure compared to newer technologies.