Geminids Meteor Shower: Prime Viewing Tips for Spectacular Display Across the UK

This week, astronomy enthusiasts across the UK are in for a treat as one of the most abundant meteor showers of the year reaches its climax. The Geminid meteor shower is poised to dazzle observers with its potential for spectacular sightings, particularly on Wednesday night. However, experts anticipate the shower’s peak to occur on Thursday evening, offering a prime opportunity for sky gazers to witness this celestial spectacle.

Up to 150 meteors with multi-coloured streaks of light could be visible per hour from much of the UK.

The shower will peak at about 7.30pm and, with the moon entering a new phase, the dark skies will help stargazers catch the sight.

Forecasters said there is a “good chance” of clear skies on Thursday evening – but warned of cloud and showers in some areas.

Dr Minjae Kim, research fellow in the physics department at the University Of Warwick, said the Geminids have evolved “into one of the major astronomical events”.

“An interesting feature of the Geminids is that their radiant point, where the meteors seem to originate from, rises in the mid-evening,” he said.

“This means you can start watching this shower earlier in the night than most other meteor showers.

“These meteors are known for their brightness, speed and typically yellow hue.

“The Geminids are observable worldwide due to their nearly 24-hour peak duration, making them accessible during both night and predawn hours.”

How should people observe the skies?

Experts said people should be prepared for the cold weather.

They added viewers should lie flat on their backs with their feet facing south, allowing for the best view of the sky.

Dr Kim said: “The spectacle continues until dawn, offering ample opportunities for observation – aided by the long nights of December.

“In the UK, I would recommend you head out around 6-7pm, giving your eyes enough time to adjust to the night sky, enhancing the visibility of the meteors.

“The best viewing spot would be somewhere far away from urban lights – so rural areas will get the best viewing experience.”



Will there be clear skies?

Forecasters said rain could spoil the view for Thursday’s predicted peak, but there should still be some opportunity for stargazers to enjoy the spectacle in the sky.

Sky News weather producer Joanna Robinson said: “There will be a good chance of seeing the Geminid meteor shower, but some fog patches will develop in the chilly south, which will hinder viewing.

“Showers will also affect the milder and windier north, limiting the view at times, too.”

What is the Geminid meteor shower?

The Geminid meteor shower finds its origins in a rocky asteroid dubbed 3200 Phaethon, characterized by its comet-like orbit, and was initially documented in 1862. These meteors are essentially fragments of interplanetary debris, relatively small in size, and offer a mesmerizing spectacle as they seem to emanate from the vicinity surrounding the prominent star Castor within the constellation Gemini. This celestial phenomenon grants observers a remarkable visual experience, presenting a stunning display as these debris particles streak across the night sky.

As per the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, the Geminid meteor shower stands out for its unique attribute of displaying a spectrum of colors, ranging from predominantly white hues to occasional sightings of yellow, green, red, and blue streaks. This vivid display owes its vibrancy partly to the presence of trace amounts of metals like sodium and calcium—materials commonly employed in creating the colorful bursts seen in fireworks. Astonishingly, the streaks witnessed across the night sky originate from particles as minuscule as a grain of sand, contributing to the captivating visual experience. Furthermore, there is growing evidence suggesting that the intensity of the Geminid meteor shower is gradually increasing with each passing year, adding to its allure and fascination among avid sky watchers and astronomers alike.