Google is now displaying your movie and TV reviews on a new profile page

Google is set to consolidate all user reviews for movies, TV shows, books, albums, and games into visible profile pages starting June 24, according to recent communications with users. This change means that individuals’ reviews across these categories will be accessible under a single profile, which can be searched through Google’s search engine, potentially exposing users’ preferences and interests.

The ability to post reviews of movies initially launched for users in India in 2017 and has since expanded globally. Last year, Google began making review profiles public and searchable in some regions, including the U.S. and India. Now, this feature is being rolled out globally.

Previously, these reviews were public but not consolidated into a single profile page. With the new update, anyone can click on a user’s profile and see all the reviews they have posted. Google has introduced a toggle switch that allows users to make their profile private, though this option only became available recently.

In response to inquiries, a Google spokesperson explained that the profile pages aim to centralize and enhance the visibility and management of users’ reviews, making them more useful to others. They emphasized that users have control over their profiles, including the ability to delete or privatize their profile entirely, as well as to privately edit or remove individual reviews.

It’s important to note that Google makes these profiles public by default, which means users may have a public profile without being aware of it if they have not adjusted their settings or paid attention to notifications from Google.

This move by Google is part of their ongoing effort to improve the visibility and utility of user-generated content while providing users with more control over their personal data and preferences.