Karine Perset assists governments in comprehending AI technologies.

Karine Perset is making significant contributions to the field of AI through her work at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). As the head of the OECD’s AI unit, she leads initiatives such as the OECD.AI Policy Observatory and the OECD.AI Networks of Experts, which aim to address the intersection of AI and public policy.

With a background in AI and public policy, Perset brings valuable expertise to her role. Prior to her work at the OECD, she served as an adviser to the Governmental Advisory Committee at the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and held a position as Counsellor within the OECD’s Science, Technology, and Industry Directorate.

Karine Perset : AI Expert - OECD.AI

Perset’s focus on AI policy underscores the importance of addressing ethical, regulatory, and socioeconomic implications as AI technologies continue to advance. Through her leadership at the OECD, Perset is helping to shape global conversations and policies surrounding the responsible development and deployment of AI.

Her efforts are particularly notable in bringing attention to the overlooked contributions of women in the AI field, highlighting their achievements, and providing them with a platform to share their expertise. TechCrunch’s initiative to spotlight remarkable women like Perset is essential for promoting diversity and inclusion within the AI revolution and ensuring that all voices are heard as we navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by AI technologies.