Nvidia enlists humanoid robotics’ biggest names for new AI platform, GR00T

It’s tough to argue with Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang when he notes, “Building foundation models for general humanoid robots is one of the most exciting problems to solve in AI today.” The humanoid form factor is one of the most hotly contested topics in the world of robotics at the moment, raising venture capital by the boatload, while generating massive skepticism along the way.

Naturally, Nvidia wants a piece. The chip giant has become arguably the most important hardware company in AI and has more recently been making a compelling case for itself as a driver for robotic innovation through initiatives like Isaac and Jetson. This week at its annual GTC developer conference, the company is planting its flag in the humanoid race with Project GR00T, which may or may not be a nod to Marvel’s illeist talking space tree.

The chipmaker refers to the new platform as “a general-purpose foundation model for humanoid robots.” In essence, the company is building an AI platform for the recent spate of entries into the category, including companies like 1X Technologies, Agility Robotics, Apptronik, Boston Dynamics, Figure AI, Fourier Intelligence, Sanctuary AI, Unitree Robotics, and XPENG Robotics. That covers nearly every prominent humanoid robot maker at the moment, with a few notable exceptions like Tesla.

Nvidia enlists humanoid robotics' biggest names for new AI platform, GR00T

Agility gets additional facetime in the announcement, courtesy of a quote from co-founder and Chief Robotics Officer Jonathan Hurst: “We are at an inflection point in history, with human-centric robots like Digit poised to change labor forever. Modern AI will accelerate development, paving the way for robots like Digit to help people in all aspects of daily life. We’re excited to partner with NVIDIA to invest in the computing, simulation tools, machine learning environments, and other necessary infrastructure to enable the dream of robots being a part of daily life.”

Sanctuary AI co-founder and CEO Geordie Rose also weighs in: “Embodied AI will not only help address some of humanity’s biggest challenges but also create innovations which are currently beyond our reach or imagination. Technology this important shouldn’t be built in silos, which is why we prioritize long-term partners like NVIDIA.”

GR00T will support new hardware from Nvidia, as well. Keeping things in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is Jetson Thor, a new computer designed specifically for running simulation workflows, generative AI models, and more for the humanoid form factor. I continue to caution people away from casually tossing out terms like “general purpose” when describing these machines, but Nvidia’s keen interest is a validation for the category that will almost certainly accelerate development.