Report: Launch of Apple’s Foldable iPhone Pushed to First Quarter of 2027

Component Supplier Selection on Track for Apple’s Foldable iPhone Despite Launch Delay

Recent reports and patent filings have indicated Apple’s keen interest in expanding its product lineup to include foldable devices, encompassing not only iPhones but also iPads and even a rumored large-display MacBook. Despite the absence of official confirmation from the Cupertino-based tech giant, speculation regarding Apple’s ventures into the foldable technology realm continues to gain traction, fueled by a steady stream of leaks and industry insights. Earlier projections suggested a potential debut of the foldable iPhone as early as 2026, raising anticipation among Apple enthusiasts worldwide.

However, a recent report from Korean outlet AlphaBiz has thrown a curveball into the mix, suggesting a delay in Apple’s foldable iPhone plans, with the anticipated launch now pushed back to the first quarter of 2027. Citing insider sources familiar with Apple’s internal workings, the report cited reasons related to supply chain intricacies and market demand as contributing factors behind the revised timeline, shedding light on the intricate planning process that precedes the introduction of any groundbreaking technology.

According to the report, Apple has opted to exercise caution and meticulous preparation in navigating the complex landscape of foldable technology, ensuring that all facets of production and distribution are meticulously aligned before unveiling its inaugural foldable iPhone to the world. This strategic decision underscores Apple’s unwavering commitment to delivering products of unparalleled quality and performance, even if it means adjusting timelines to accommodate the intricacies of the supply chain and market dynamics.

While the delay may come as a disappointment to eager consumers eagerly anticipating the arrival of Apple’s foldable iPhone, it is indicative of the company’s steadfast dedication to excellence and innovation. By taking the necessary time to refine its foldable technology offerings, Apple aims to set new benchmarks for user experience and device functionality, cementing its position as a trailblazer in the ever-evolving landscape of consumer electronics.



Despite the postponement of the foldable iPhone’s launch to early 2027, one aspect remains unchanged: Apple’s commitment to securing a robust supply chain ecosystem to support its foldable device ambitions. Selection of suppliers for critical components, such as foldable displays, continues to progress as originally planned, ensuring that Apple remains poised to deliver a compelling foldable iPhone experience once it finally makes its debut on the global stage.

Apple is believed to be working on its lineup of foldable devices. While the Cupertino, California-based company has not divulged its plans for foldables, recent reports and filed patents suggest that the company is working on a foldable iPhone, iPad, and a large-display device, said to be a MacBook. Earlier this month, a report claimed that a foldable iPhone could debut in 2026. Now, a new report suggests that Apple has pushed back the launch of its first foldable phone to early 2027.

Korean outlet AlphaBiz, which previously claimed that the foldable iPhone would likely be released in late 2026, said in a new report that the device would be launched in the first quarter of 2027. Citing an official familiar with Apple’s internal plans, the report said that Apple had delayed its plans for a foldable phone owing to reasons related to supply and demand.