Women in AI: Krystal Kauffman, Research Fellow at the Distributed AI Research Institute

To shine a light on the contributions of women in the field of AI, TechCrunch is launching a series of interviews featuring remarkable women who have played a significant role in the AI revolution. As the AI industry continues to flourish, we aim to highlight the impactful work of these individuals, which often goes unnoticed. Explore more profiles in this series here.

Krystal Kauffman’s journey took her from organizing political campaigns to studying geology, and eventually to gig work. This path led her to Turkopticon, a nonprofit organization dedicated to advocating for the rights of gig workers, particularly those utilizing Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (AMT) platform.

As the lead organizer at Turkopticon, Kauffman is at the forefront of efforts to empower gig workers and address the challenges they face in the gig economy. Recently, she embarked on a new role as a research fellow with the Distributed AI Research Institute (DAIR) Institute, where she collaborates with others to foster a community of workers committed to addressing the inequities present in major tech marketplace platforms.

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I initially entered the AI field in 2015 when I fell ill and couldn’t work outside my home. Turning to the AMT platform, I found opportunities in data work, which involved tasks contributing to AI programming and LLMs. This experience ignited my passion for addressing platform issues and ethical concerns in data work.

I’m particularly proud of raising awareness about the global workforce behind data work. Through various channels like interviews, conferences, articles, and legislative advocacy, I’ve shed light on the ethical challenges faced by this workforce and its contributions to AI development.

Navigating the male-dominated tech and AI industries has been possible due to my supportive network of colleagues and mentors, both women and men. I actively seek out environments that foster inclusivity and advocate for equity to drive positive change.