Huawei Vision: Rivaling Apple Vision Pro with Similar Display, Promising Lightweight Design

Huawei Vision: Potential Weight Advantage Over Apple Vision Pro

Huawei’s upcoming mixed-reality headset, reportedly named Huawei Vision, is poised to challenge the recently launched Apple Vision Pro, according to emerging reports. Apple’s high-end headset, priced at $3,499 (approximately Rs. 2.9 lakh), debuted earlier this month boasting dual M2 and R1 chipsets alongside an array of 12 cameras. However, Huawei’s entry into the arena promises stiff competition, potentially surpassing its Cupertino-based counterpart on various fronts. Notably, early reports suggest that Huawei Vision could tip the scales at half the weight of the Vision Pro, weighing in at a mere 350g.

The insights into Huawei’s secretive headset were shared via a Weibo post by Li Nan, former marketing director of the Chinese tech brand Meizu, as reported by Huawei Central. In addition to unveiling the product’s purported name, Li Nan hinted at Huawei Vision’s potential to deliver superior value compared to the Apple Vision Pro.

According to the post, Huawei’s mixed-reality device may feature the same cutting-edge 4K Sony micro-OLED display utilized by Apple in its headset. Given the widespread acclaim for Apple’s display technology, Huawei’s adoption of a similar panel suggests a commitment to providing a premium visual experience.

Moreover, rumors suggest that Huawei Vision could hit the market with a price tag of $1,750 (around Rs. 1.45 lakh), representing a significant undercut compared to its Apple counterpart. As anticipation builds for the release of these competing devices, consumers eagerly await further details to ascertain which headset will reign supreme in the burgeoning mixed-reality landscape.



Besides that, the post also mentioned that Huawei Vision might be powered by natively developed processors by the company and offer a zero-lag experience. It would be interesting to see how the company intends to find the right Silicon innovation to support such an emerging technology and compete with Apple’s processors which are said to handle data from the Vision Pro’s many sensors with a 12ms response time and 256GBps bandwidth.

One downside highlighted by the post is the lack of a feature similar to Apple Vision Pro’s EyeSight. This feature projects a replica of the user’s eyes on the outer end of the glasses to make it easy for non-users to interact with the person. However, some have reported not being a fan of this feature as it looks unnatural.

While there is no launch date mentioned, it is rumoured that Huawei’s mixed-reality headset could be launched later this year.